Thursday, August 17, 2017

It's a bird... It's a plane... it IS A PLANE

Just because it's summer, it doesn't mean I stop building. For fun, me and my friend, Kevin, decided to build a plane.

We started off by looking up some videos on YouTube, Kevin already knew some accounts that specialized in aero engineering videos. As all designs, we dimensionally diagramed the plane, and figured out exact lengths, heights and spaces for all the pieces. We decided to have all the electronics in the front, Velcrod down to the base of the foam core box. The propeller sticks out from the front. As we diagramed, we also chose a curved type of wing, thicker towards the front of the plane.

The next step was to build it. I got started on the body (having the dimensional diagrams in front of me really helped) and the tail, while he built the wings. The tail pieces were easy to glue on, the wings were a different story... because the design of the wing involved bending back foam core, it wasn't fully lined up with the body, so there was a gap between the two. We used hot glue as our adhesive, which kept dripping in between the space. Now, if you try to find the center of gravity of our plane, its slightly heavier on the left side.

The only thing that is left is to attach servo motors to the flaps on the plane, program it, and to add landing gear... it shouldn't take too long! (Although we always say we can finish it quickly and it takes us way longer than predicted!)

Pictures of it flying coming soon... I hope.

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